23 Januari 2022

rants in midnight

 a lil bit stressed out.

weird layout with sooo many offsets. 

im just tired.

and got asthma after a while (never got it again in yearrrsss).

the offsets that stressed me out

get back to work.
tidur bisa semester depan... :p

4 Januari 2022

a novel that made me cry at 1am.

"Kadang Gavyn, nggak semuanya bisa kita miliki. Kita mungkin punya perasaan yg sama, tetapi kita nggak mungkin bisa bersama." -How To Be A (Fake) Crazy Rich

ps: i don't need to explain this. just want to quote this to remind me that i'm crying so hard for the end of this novel at 1am. :)

1 Januari 2022

half of an hour after midnight.

kalo dilihat-lihat, blogku banyak patah hatinya ya? hehe. 
semoga 2022 bisa konsisten buat nulis lagi.
buat jadi lebih baik lagi.
but let's sleep. 
and crack new journals! ;-)