17 September 2024

Page 261 of 366: New series.

Starting new series.

Series about poetry: Constellations Series
Series on TV (netflix, for exact info): The Blacklist
Series of songs: Fall '24 

Ok, what a short update on my life (because now I regularly write on papers a.k.a. journal (liat aja kalo tiba-tiba ntar males nulis manual handwritten, pasti cuap-cuap ga jelas di blog).

And I just realized this is the 32nd post on this blog, surpassing last year's. Selalu merasa achieved aja kalo lagi banyak nulis di blog. Walaupun ya akhir-akhir lebih sering post poetry-related. Gak mau dibilang terlalu puitis or something, karena akhir-akhir ini lebih sering nulis pake bahasa sehari-hari. Tapi, yha... related. I can't put title of things I wrote other than poems/poetry. Lol. 

Happy Tuesday, folks!
From sleep deprived writer

—to the moon

this night is sparkling in silence
cinderella would be so late
but i take my little feet
walk around this lonely life
the cold air hugged me
as my thoughts fly away
to the nights where you and i
were something 
your ride and laughs 
and unused camera you brought along
your smiles and stories 
and flirty jokes you've always made
your nightmares and drinks
and cigarettes i hated
but you tried your best 
to hold yourself without it 
i still remember the books i got that day
or sweets you introduced to me
like your lies called love 
and your little affections 
when you stayed awake listening 
to all my sorrows 
i hate that lately
midnights felt like hell 
because my head is full 
and how i wish that you'll be there
instead, i've drown myself 
into poetries that felt like hopeless lady 
into songs that suffocated me 
into inkless pictures of us 
because there's memories i've never captured
and one of the best was about us 
to the moon that shines so bright 
to the stars that always led someone's to home 
to the man that always haunts my midnights 
i hope my bleeding heart finally stops 
i hope the scars heal 
and i hope, the memories of us
will never be the same ghost
that stayed in this room 
of mine 

// about midnights full of you
17.09.24 // 9.39pm

tribute to the sun.

9 September 2024

day 6: right person, wrong time

they said, it sucks to love the right person at the wrong time. 
and i'll tell them, it was better than feeling nothing at all.

// numb
09.09.24; 9.51p,

day 9: healing in a parking lot

no one else, indeed, can feel it for you. the aches, the burnout, the falling down. the rise from the ashes, the rainbow after the storms, the stars to the wide-blackout-universe. the rain run through your skin, blessing your soul with forgiveness. you did it for yourself, then this is the time you need to get it out of your head. the self-doubt, the loneliness, the pain. help yourself. dress the best for a night out. drink the wine for yourself. celebrate. your life worth the cheers, the laughters, the happiness. and when you love your life a little bit more, you'll find yourself the end of the tunnel. the light in the dark. the end... of all of your sorrows. celebrate. and cheers to many more years of living. 

// fireworks for darkness. 
09.09.24; 09.49pm 

2 September 2024

day 2: heartbreak radio

i drove down the highway 
late in the night
it was so quiet, 
in between the announcer 
and sad songs in that old car
there were your ghosts 
smiling right back into me
because you couldn't drive
laughing at my dry jokes 
and told me i was so silly
holding my left hand 
the warmth that now i forget
on how it felt like 
the same damn road,
yet never the same feelings 
the loneliness, 
the heartbreaks,
the aches,
the memories. 
it was never been this quiet
the darkness that filled in 
and the emptiness inside
that song replayed 
on and on and on
and you're still there
on and on and on and on...

// heartbreaks, on this lonely road. 
02.09.24; 07.39pm 

18 Agustus 2024

lalu kau pergi kembali dengannya.

aku sedang mendengar Tulus bernyanyi:
di bawah basah langit abu-abu 
kau di mana?
di lengangnya malam menuju Minggu
kau di mana? 
dan lagi-lagi rasa itu yang hadir 
sendu sejenak meramu kelabu 
pada senja menuju entah hari apa
mungkin sudah seminggu terhitung
kurang-lebihnya tak lagi kuingat
tapi nomornya tak lagi bisa kuhubungi
notifikasiku senyap
namun ucapan selamat ia terima 
rupanya, ada perempuan lain
ada yang membuatmu berpaling 

aku tidak pernah tahu akhir dari kisah kita
yang kutahu hanya hari berganti
dan tak ada lagi 'kita' yang bisa kucapai
hariku berlalu begitu saja
malamku kembali gelap
cintaku pada senja sudah senyap
dan kembali abu yang menjadi temanku 
entah apa maksudmu, yang kutahu
sayangimu, aku telah keliru
ayo tulis di buku harianmu
kelak jelaskan bila engkau punya waktu

itu tahun-tahun yang lalu
melihatnya hari ini, sudah mustahil
rasaku habis, dan tak bersisa
namun senandung di sore hari itu 
tentang kamu, dan sunyinya hidupku seusai kamu
kini tinggal memori-memori tentang luka 
aku menarik napas terpanjang hari ini 
dan berharap esok ketika kudengar lagi lagu ini
aku tak lagi mengingatmu sebagai pertanda
walau aku terkadang masih bertanya
bertemukah kau dengan sang puas?
benar senangkah rasa hatimu? 

// senandung dan sendu.
18.08.24; 10.02pm

12 Agustus 2024

august & and it's about you, again.

salt air, and the rust on your door
i never needed anything more 

how come it's already august 
the time went by
years and years away from your footsteps
it's not haunting anymore
yet the aches never leave this town 
i already forget how it started
the butterflies and the smiles
the voices led to your sleeps
the unknown relationship we planted
in miles away, out of our reach
i don't even know now when it started
but it was august
when my heart started to fall 
scattered like glass on the marble floor 

there was something 'bout you 
that now i can't remember
it's the same damn thing 
that made my heart surrender

truly, it was undefining moment
when it comes about you 
you were the sunshine in my nights
the friend when i was away from my life 
the love i could not even had 
i don't remember why
but once, my life revolved around you
and when it stopped, i couldn't felt my heart
it was empty
and no other word would describe
how was my life for the rest of that year

to live for the hope of it all 
cancel plans just in case you'd call
and say, "meet me behind the mall"

and when it ended
what was it for? 
the "i've waited for your call"
the "how's life in Jakarta?"
the "we'll meet when you're back home"
the plans we finally cancelled 
because it was just a scene in my head
and when i finally arrived at home
it was rust on the door
you never opened it for me
yet i knocked it anyway 
just for me to realize, 
you've never been there

do you think i have forgotten
.... about you? 

// summer aches
12.08.24; 07.36pm.

15 Juli 2024

july 15th

you were the warmth of chocolate milk
the calm before all of the storms
the anchor to my wild thoughts 
reminiscing childhood that used to be simple
and how the time went by, so fast 
i don't recognize us anymore
you became a silhouette, late in the night 
a thought when life gets so hard
somehow, i don't even remember
the sound that used to be familiar 
i used to have words to make your day special
far, far away from your reach
but at least i didn't missed it 
you became something, sat in the box
i wish i could forget about it 
because i have second cup of iced coffee for today
my mind's scattered, i don't recognize myself
but when i look up at my calendar
how i wish everything's as simple as it was
because once, my life was happier
when you were here 

// not a happy ending, but wishing you a very happy birthday 
15.07.24; 8.43pm