26 Oktober 2022

it's okay. you'll live.

pada akhirnya kita sampai pada konklusi, 
bahwa tak bersama tak apa
lengan waktu berputar seperti adanya
dan luka-luka akhirnya mereda
tak apa, kan?
hidup akhirnya terus berlanjut
ada yang mampir, ada yang tinggal
yang pergi, akhirnya menjadi memori
tak apa, tenang saja
kamu akan baik-baik saja
kamu akan terus hidup seperti sedia kala
walau akan ada yang terus tumbuh 
akan ada yang terus berubah di hidupmu

// jejak mereka yang tertinggal 
26.10.22; 9.48am

25 Oktober 2022

birunya langit.

dan bukankah senja selalu berjanji perihal indah?
namun kini layung membiru
memanjakan hati yang kembali sendu
apalah yang terjadi, wahai sang rapuh?
seolah dunia hanya berhenti padanya
sehingga ketika ia beranjak,
rasanya seperti jantung ditarik begitu saja
meninggalkan rongga tak bernyawa
meninggalkan langit tak lagi berwarna
sebegitukah cinta membuatmu mati?
sebegitukah... ia berarti?

25.10.22; 5.49pm

17 Oktober 2022

what if, once again, i put a sign in the front door of my heart because, once again, i broke my heart for letting you in?

11 Oktober 2022

people hurt other people just by thinking they are the truest. padahal menurut gue, di dunia ini ga ada yang absolut kecuali lu hidup dan lu mati.

3 Oktober 2022

imsyb, youR version.

hello, after all these years.
i think your name was the least of the names i wrote a letter to these days. sometimes, i forgot on how the days i fell into you. it's just... a decade ago. or more. i don't know anymore. i don't count anymore. it's just... you know... you get thru it by years. those memories about you faded away as the time went by. as more people came and gone from my life. 

today, your name popped up again in my head after a dream last night. it was just a silhouette of your back, but my heart knew it was you. after all these time passed by without you, i still knew it was you. it sucks, sometimes. that after i woke up, i missed you. i missed the silly love of children in red and white. i missed the silly time of us changing letters with the help of some friends. 

today, i miss you. 
and the thought of i'm living nearby now--and i still can't reach you again, it sucks. i miss you, and it sucks. and now i thought about why am i here. is it about me, or about a chance of randomly meeting you again? i don't know. oh, universe, sometimes i don't want an answer. i just want you to work on some miracles. 

today, randomly, i want to see you all over again.